Senior Dating: Should You Be Intimate On The First Date?

By Ismael Tabije

Going out on a first senior date could be quite nerve-racking. But that is absolutely a normal feeling for grown-ups of any age, especially if you have not been out dating for a long time.

Taking a little time to think things through could make or break senior dating. There have been numerous ideas and experiences published that could serve as your guide. Just make sure that the idea would be appealing to both persons involved.

The best way to take delight in senior dating, the first time, would be keeping an open mind, taking mental notes on common interests, and making your ultimate goal as basic as having fun.

Should you be intimate on the first date? Well this is one of the most prevalent questions that would pop up in your mind when planning to engage in senior dating. And the answer to that could be a ‘Yes’ and a ‘No’.


Intimacy is such a complex word, having various levels. It could pertain to the condition where one is comfortable, warm or familiar. It could be the act of expressing affection. It could even bluntly be used to indicate sexual intercourse. In senior dating, these definitions could be applied depending on the participants’ understanding of the word.

Yes, some intimacy could help make a first date successful through making each partner more comfortable. But take note, it should be kept on a friendly level. Touching is a good thing in senior dating; however, anything past this could give off wrong indications. A tap on the arm, a light brush, offering a hand to assist, a polite kiss of greetings, even a good-natured hug if the circumstances are suitable are normally considered not too fresh or ‘too fast’.

The time to raise the alarm would be when your date is doing something that makes you feel awkward. It is a must in senior dating to ensure that nobody, especially the women, gets hurt or harassed.

No, being intimate on the first date would be disastrous if sex is what is on your mind. Your motto in senior dating should be: Never permit something to happen if this would lead to regrets. Your moral ground in this area should be well considered beforehand.

First dates should be for finding out and appreciating personalities, and should not be the time to explore your companion’s sexuality. Going all the way on the first date would wipe away all your dreams of a fruitful relationship. Instead of finding a potential long-lasting partnership, you’d end up having a one-night stand.

To make senior dating work, never let your hormones get the better of you. Control is the key to avoid turning the first date into a sexual fling. First dates are most critical because this would be the determinant on whether or not an affair would move to higher heights.

To ensure pleasure for the parties involved, the relationship should be founded on wholesome friendship and enjoyment of one another’s company. And this friendship must entail trust and respect.

About the Author: Meet senior dates wherever you are. Visit

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