How To Make Your Web Design Interactive

Submitted by: Shruti Gupta

The importance of effective website design can never be undermined. Right from having the potential to attract new customers to getting you more sales, a good quality and attractive web design is something that can mean the difference between a no sale and an actual purchase!

Clean design

One of the biggest mistakes most people make is to clutter up their website with unnecessary content and imagery. This not only distracts the user but you maybe actually preventing the user from seeing the important aspects on your site. For example you may think that having a Flash introductory page will help in luring more customers. Fact is search engines don t even recognize such pages! Imagine your home page not even being scanned by search engines! Not such a happy idea, right? Any good quality web designer will advise you against having such a Flash intro page.

Interactivity is key


When we talk about interactivity we are not talking about feedback forms and text input forms! It is much more and bigger than that. The entire concept of Web 2.0 is fast gaining popularity as far as custom web design services go. Many of such service providers also specialize in Web 2.0 methodologies to help enhance the overall potential of website design.

Centralized layout

The most important feature of Web 2.0 as far as professional web design goes is the usage of a centralized layout. This often sends out an impression that your site is honest and bold while also being simple. These are traits users look for in a brand and sending out such signals is always a positive sign.

Less number of columns

In the earlier days of custom web design the norm used to be to use as many as 4 columns while 3 columns on a site were more common. However with the advent of Web 2.0 technology the norm these days is to use just 2 columns on the site and 3 is the maximum that you would possibly go.

Demarcating sections

It is very essential to let users know which parts of your site deserve priority. One of the best ways to do this is by using bold colors where you want users to look first. For example if you want to highlight a discount on a new product make sure to use attractive coloring and effects there. After all it will decide a sale! A good web designer familiar with Web 2.0 design aspects will ensure your site is well differentiated. For example differentiating the header of the web page from the rest will do you good.

Another important requisite of any good website designer is that they will ensure your site has easy navigation. That means users should ideally be able to search for information easily without much hassle. Also, the information and content represented on the website should never be overpowered by the design. For example, too much of flash animations, blinking text as well as other design elements can take away from the central purpose of the page. These are some of the suggestions that a good quality graphic designer will suggest to you.

About the Author: India Designers

is an innovative website design company providing custom web design

web development and search engine marketing outsourcing services from New Delhi India.


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